Tranquility Base (Young Arboreal Enclosure)
Tranquility Base is a single tub enclosure designed for keeping young arboreal species. READ EVERYTHING BEFORE PURCHASING
Designed for those who are getting their first arboreal and need an enclosure that provides exactly what the animals need. Most people who are breeding and selling arboreal species keep the hatchlings in rack systems until they are ready to go to their new owners. Oftentimes new keepers struggle with their new acquisitions because they keep them differently from how the breeder has raised them till that point. If they are kept in enclosures that are too large, too open, too drafty etc. the animals struggle to settle in and survive for the new owners. Tranquility Base is designed specifically to help with this process by mimicking how the breeder was keeping their animals without having to buy an entire rack system.
This enclosure uses a 16qt tub and mimics a full rack system but this one has only a single tub. Because of the intent of the design you will find the following benefits:
Helps to reduce stress for new acquisitions because it replicates how most breeders raise their offspring until they are sold.
Tubs are easy to heat and keep clean.
Enclosed on 5 sides to minimize stress from over exposure. Provides a sense of security.
Sliding tub drawer makes it very easy to attempt feedings while not overly stimulating the new acquisition.
Check out this video by GS Reptiles showcasing this new offering to see more: GS Reptiles YouTube. Be sure to like and subscribe!
Includes 2 different perch types. One is for small neos and is designed for easy feeding access with a single center perch, and the other is for older established juveniles with 3 rods.
Tranquility Base includes the following:
IMPORTANT: You will need to properly affix a thermostat probe/sensor to the included heat tape. Because the end user is responsible to setting up the heat tape and thermostat he/she assumes all responsibility for any damages caused by malfunctioning heat tape or thermostat. Specialty Enclosure Designs offers no warranty or guarantee of any kind for the Tranquilty Base enclosure. By purchasing Tranquilty Base from Specialty Enclosure Designs the customer/owner/end user assumes all responsibility for the use and functioning of the product and cannot hold Specialty Enclosure Designs responsible for any death or damages to their livestock or their belongings etc. for any reason.
Includes the 16qt Sterilite Tub, 2 x 16qt perches (small neo perch, and one for a juvenile), baby hook, and heat tape.
Dimensions: 16qt Sterilite 1644 Box is 16-1/4” x 11-7/8” x 7”. Outside PVC Box is 17” x 12-3/8” x 7-5/8”.
Tranquility Base ships mostly assembled. The end user/customer is responsible for properly affixing a thermostat probe to the heat tape and plugging he heat tape into an appropriate thermostat to control the heat. DO NOT OPERATE WITHOUT A PROPER THERMOSTAT. The end user will also need to assemble the included 16qt perch.
$40 shipping for a single enclosure. If you need more than one Tranquility Base the shipping fee may need to be adjusted.
Ship date is typically 7-14 days from time of purchase.